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Re: Netscape && FTP sites

Rob Jenson wrote:
> The Netscape site is also JavaScript-disabled browser unfriendly.
> Their home page is blank if you have JavaScript patched out of
> Netscape Navigator 2.0.  Makes it a tad difficult to find out when 
> the next release (with the requisite "Disable JavaScript" option) will
> be available.  In the meantime, I guess we'll just have to use XMosaic
> { just ignore the spotch at the top of your screen --- that's
> frustrated Frames or JavaScript } or Netscape 1.1 to visit Netscape's
> site and find out if they have released the next Navigator 2.0x with
> improved security.

You can just 'view source'...

> ObWebSecurity:
>     Is there anybody from Netscape monitoring this list who
>     can confirm or deny that Navigator 2.0x will be released "very
>     soon now" with the capability to disable JavaScript as well as
>     Java in the "Security Options"?

I've just installed 2.01 and still get a blank page for netscape home...

Liz Stokes

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